Students’ Healthy Growth
So as to carry out the document requirements of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health, grasp the physical health status of Anqing Foreign Language School’s students as well as perfect their health file management, from 20th to 22nd of September, the medical staff of Anqing No.3 People’s Hospital proceeded various kinds of physical checkup to Anqing Foreign Language School’s students one by one.
Initially, all students took turns to conduct medical examination according to schedules, which made the whole process in order.
In addition, the entire process was in the charge of Director Wang with the Teaching Affair Office and school doctor Jin with the Health Room. Other than that, all head teachers and discipline teachers also assisted in the procedure.
Moreover, with the cooperation of school leadership, teachers and students, the medical workers comprehensively and meticulously carried out their work, which not only kept detailed records of students’ physical check-up results, but also put forward reasonable health advice for them. After the health examination, each class sent their respective health forms and students’ physical fitness test statistical tables to the school physicians to sort and file. Meanwhile, all data would be presented to Municipal Disease Control Center for analysis before being fed back to students and parents.
In a nutshell, this overall physical examination contributed to preventing and controlling frequently-occurring diseases, led students to form favorable hygiene practices and living habits in addition to helping them pay close attention to their sound development.




